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Insurance Registration Suspension

ADOT/MVD will suspend your vehicle registration for not maintaining an Arizona Insurance policy. Once suspended you will be assessed a $50 penalty. Look below for your specific solution for your situation.

1.You have a current insurance policy and have had no lapses. Below you will see a template for your insurance company to provide a similar document utilizing the verbage "NO Lapse" or "Continuous Coverage". Cost to fix this issue would be $10 and the $50 penalty will be waived with this process.

Insurance Template

2. You have a lapse, or non-continuous insurance coverage and you have NOT driven your vehicle since your insurance lapsed. The vehicle will no longer be on the road until you purchase a new insurance policy and submit your new proof of insurance to ADOT/MVD.

Deinsure Certificate

3. You are or have driven your vehicle since you have had a lapse in the vehicles insurance coverage. Pay the $50 penalty and submit your new insurance information. Our fee is $20. Total fees $70






