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90 Day Non-Resident Permit

What is a 90 Day Non Resident permit?

A 90 Day Non-Resident Permit is a (paper) temporary license plate that is issued to an individual to allow them to drive their vehicle back to the state in which they reside.

Who can obtain a 90 Day Non-Resident Permit?

  • A non-resident who purchases a vehicle in Arizona and will be registering the vehicle in their home state regardless of whether the vehicle is driven or delivered out of state
  • An enrolled member of an Indian tribe, who resides on the reservation, purchasing a vehicle in Arizona for removal to an Indian reservation on which the vehicle will remain and will not be registered in arizona

What documentation is required for a 90 Day Non-Resident Permit?

An ownership document must be provided:

  • Vehicle Title
  • Vehicle Registration
  • Notarized Bill of Sale
  • Dealer Invoice
  • Manufactures Certificate of Origin (MCO)

Proof of non-residency is required:

  • An out-of-state drivers license
  • A Native American's physical address on an Indian Reservation and Tribal enrollment/census number/identification number

How is the 90-Day Non Resident Permit displayed?

The 90 Day Non-Resident Permit, which is the top half of the form, must be displayed horizontally in the lower right corner of the rear window so that it is clearly visible from outside the vehicle. The registration, the bottom half of the form, is to be carried in the vehicle.

What do I carry in the vehicle for proof of Registration?

When the 90 Day Non-Resident Permit is issued, you will need to cut along the dotted line where specified to separate the 90 Day Non-Resident Permit (top half of form) from the registration (bottom half of form). Tearing may destroy the permit. The registration needs to be carried in the vehicle until it is expired or replaced.

